Planning to operate a business within Glenwood Springs? You may need to contact multiple departments within the City, depending on the type of business you are opening. Those departments include the Finance Department, City Clerk’s Office and/or the Community Development Department (Planning and Building).
Sales Tax and Business Licenses
If you are a business that will have sales, you will need to apply for a Glenwood Springs sales tax license through the Finance Department and also have a State sales tax license. Please visit for more information about state requirements. If you are service business that does not have sales, you will need to apply for a Business License.
Glenwood Springs Sales Tax License Application
The City of Glenwood Springs has partnered with MUNIRevs to provide an online business licensing and tax collection system. This system allows businesses to access their accounts and submit tax returns and payments online. Access the MUNIRevs System.
Effective with January 2014 sales tax return, the penalty interest rate has changed to 0.5%. Also, note that all amounts on the return should be rounded to the nearest dollar.
Business License Application
License Renewal Form
Our 2-year license expires at the end of odd-numbered years. Renew Now.
Temporary Vendors
If you are a temporary vendor doing business in Glenwood Springs for the first time, please submit an application online. Temporary vendors or event vendors, must pay $25 and also provide a $100 deposit. This permit should be obtained for produce stands, peddlers, solicitors, short-term displaying of goods for retail sale and vending carts. Returning vendors should call 970-384-6455 before submitting the application to see if the deposit is still required.
Business License Assistance
If you need assistance, please call Muni Revs at 1-888-751-1911