Permit Application Process

To apply for a permit, you can submit your application in person, or if you’re seeking a sign, electrical, mechanical, or plumbing permit, you can submit it online.

Page updated on December 11, 2023 at 8:47 AM



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This is a general outline of most construction permit applications. Each project’s scope-of-work may require additional information & reviews (Not applicable for Fire Protection System or Fire Prevention Permits). You can submit your application in person, or in some cases, online. After reviewing the process, visit our “Applications and Forms” page to download information you will need to complete.

Permit Extension Application

A permit extension application can be submitted by completing the online form linked below. Upon completion, the application will automatically be emailed to the applicant and the Permit Center for review. For questions about completing the online form please contact the Permit Center.

Additional Information and Links

City of Alexandria Permit Center Refund Policy

All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing by the original permittee to the Permit Center Division Chief or the Building Official.

  1. Please note that Refunds approvals are at the total discretion of the Building Official and can be altered as he/she deems necessary in accordance with Local and State regulations.
  2. Refunds will be issued for the total cost of any fees paid if none of the following services were provided within three days of the written request:
    1. Application review
    2. Plan review
    3. Consultations
    4. Permit issued
    5. Inspections
    1. Plan Review Only under 180 days: 35% non-refundable fee for all plan review deposits
    2. Plan Review and Permits Issued under 180 days: 35% non-refundable fee for each plan review deposit plus 25% fee for administering each issued permit
    3. Permits issued that did not require a plan review under 180 days: 25% non-refundable fee for administering each issued permit
    1. Permit issued that did not require a plan review over 180 days: Non refundable
    2. Plans Review or Permits Issued over 180 days –Non refundable
    3. Permits Issued with inspections provided by City Inspection Staff- Non refundable
    4. Applications submitted with deposit with no permits picked up over 180 days – Non refundable
    5. Revision, Modification, and resubmission fees – Non refundable
    6. Permit/Certificate replacement fees – Non refundable