Advantages of Long Term Contracts

There are many advantages of long term contracts, including:

  1. Mastering of strategies and routines - Training periods tend to be slower, resulting in a decrease in profit and/or productivity. Long-term contracts reduce the number of new staff who have yet to be effectively trained.
  2. Better return of investment on equipment - Startup costs can be hefty. The longer the contract, the more value a company will get from the initial start-up fees.
  3. Dedicated account support - The more time a person and/or team has with a particular program, the more familiar they become. With more familiarity comes more potential for improvement in the long-run.
  4. Stronger partnerships - Relationships take time to build. The longer a contract is in place, the more time people have to establish bonds. With these bonds comes a greater understanding of what is needed, as well as higher levels of dedication from those involved.
  5. Increased security - In certain cases, the more familiar people are with one another, the easier it becomes to spot outside threats, such as who has permission to access which areas.

Deciding on a long-term contract is not always an easy choice. The process should begin in the proposal phase of a project and then be presented to the larger players involved, such as investors. These presentations should clearly highlight the above benefits of entering into a long-term contract, focusing on overall cost savings.

Advantages of Long-term Agreement (LTA) With a Supplier for Procurement of Goods

  1. Budget - A LTA allows for prices to be locked in, so the buyer is able to manage their expenses more securely.
  2. No rising prices - A LTA establishes a firm buying price, preventing surprise increases.
  3. Security - Both the buyer and the seller have peace of mind, knowing the agreement will last.
  4. Elimination of renewal fees - Each time an agreement is renewed, both parties have to pay for re-negotiation, re-tendering, and sourcing, which adds up over time.
  5. Relief of burdens - With a LTA, there are less administrative requirements, as the contracts are not constantly up for renewal.
  6. Mutual interests - Both the buyer and the seller gain something from the LTA, as both are able to feel secure in the commitment.
  7. Relationship building - As both parties are involved for an extended period of time, there is more room to build trust, allowing for stronger partnerships.
  8. Time - There is more time to become familiar with each party's processes, thereby increasing overall efficiency.
  9. Consolidation - Both the buyer and the seller are able to find new ways to work together.
  10. Storage fees - The buyer will save money on things like storage and handling fees.

Advantages and Disadvantages to Fixed-Term Contracts

Probationary periods are common in many jobs, allowing the employer to determine if the employee is a good fit for the demands of the position. An ideal format for this probationary period is a fixed-term contract. After the period is over, the employer can renew the contract as they see fit. Similarly, many businesses have temporary job openings, such as leave coverage and/or assistance with specific projects; fixed-term contracts provide an effective alternative to hiring permanent employees.

On the opposite side, fixed-term contracts have some disadvantages:

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