Applications have to be decided in line with government policy and the local authority’s development plan. The main government policy is the National Planning Policy Framework. Havant Borough Council’s policy is called the Local Plan.
In most instances you will find that you need both Building Regulation Approval and Planning Permission. To check please email or telephone 02392 446015.
The easiest way to submit an application is online through:
Havant Borough Council also accept paper applications. Please note, that only ONE copy of each supporting document is required (not THREE as stated on the application form).
Site location and block plans submitted with planning applications must have a valid OS copyright licence number and meet our standard requirements. These must be accurately drawn. If you are using Ordnance Survey data, please ensure it has a valid license number.
On receipt of a planning application, the local authority will check for:
Most applications should be checked within three to five working days from the date of receipt.
If the application is complete, it is deemed ‘valid’; the application is registered and the formal planning process begins.
If the application is incomplete, it is deemed ‘invalid’ and the applicant will be asked to provide any missing information; only when an application is complete can it be registered.
The local authority will publicise the application by placing all the documentation on the website and by one or more of the following methods:
You can find more information about Havant’s policy for publicising applications in the Statement of Community Involvement document.
There is a standard publicity period of 21 days and within that time, anyone can comment on the proposals.
Havant Borough Council has an online Planning Comment option as part of the Public Access system which is quick and easy to use.
All comments are public and placed on the councils website.
The local authority will consult with relevant experts to help with their decision making process.
Most applications are decided within 8 weeks although some larger, complex applications are allowed 13 weeks.
Applications are mainly decided by the Planning Officer as a ‘delegated’ decision but some applications are passed to a Planning Committee to decide.
An application may be approved or refused. If the application has been approved, the decision notice will provide details of any conditions attached to the approval.
Sometimes these conditions need to be complied with and sometimes they need to be ‘discharged’, which means that further information needs to be passed to the local authority to be agreed (there is a fee payable to discharge conditions). Minor changes also need to be approved with the local authority.
If the application has been refused, the applicant can appeal against the decision.
You may start your work as soon as you have received your approval notice and complied with any conditions imposed by the council. Full permission is usually valid for three years and you can start work at anytime during this period.