Renew a registration to work with vulnerable people

Renew a registration to volunteer or work with vulnerable people including children.

 nullRenewing online takes about 30 minutes.

Key info

Get startedbutton_linkPlease visit Consumer, Building and Occupational Services to renew a registration to work with vulnerable people

On this page

About renewing a registration to work with vulnerable people

You will receive a renewal notice by email or SMS before your expiry date.

If your registration expires, you can still renew up to 30 days after your expiry date. Your registration will start from when your renewal is approved.

If you do not renew within 30 days from the expiry date, you will need to complete a new application. You will not be able to work or volunteer with vulnerable people until you are re-registered.

If your information has changed (such as a change in any relevant criminal history), your renewal may take longer to process.

Your photo is valid for 10 years. If your photo is due to expire you must visit a service centre and have a new one taken as part of your renewal.

A copy of your receipt is available under 'Fees/Payment' in My Registration. You will need:

How to renew

What you need to renew

There is a full list of the information you need at the start of the online renewal form.

If you do not want to pay the fee online, you can make the payment at a service centre.

To make a payment only at a service centre, you must:

To make a payment and have a new photo taken at a service centre, you must:

Can I renew?

You must have a current registration to work with vulnerable people (or one that has expired within the last 30 days).

Proving your identity

You do not need to prove your identity unless:

There are 2 ways to prove your identity for a photo to be taken:

1. Your registration to work with vulnerable people card

You can show your registration to work with vulnerable people card, even if it expired up to 2 years ago.

2. Provide a current photo identity document

If you're unable to provide the original document, a copy must be certified by a Commissioner for Declarations or a Justice of the Peace (JP).

Photo identity documents (show one of these)

In addition to the above, if your name has changed you must provide one of the following documents: