Land Use & Development

Development, and changes in use, of land within Oxford County may require submission of a Planning application to either your Area Municipality or the County. Planning staff are available to answer questions related to the use or development of your land. It is advised that you speak with your local Area Municipal Planner prior to submitting an application.

Use the map below to select the respective Municipality and choose the appropriate link for information.

New development may be subject to development charges, in accordance with the County Development Charges By-law and/or the Area Municipal Development Charges By-law.

County of Oxford Applications

Each type of application requires a formal submission to be made to the County of Oxford. Click here to view County application forms.

This application is required when developing a plan of condominium or conversion of rental housing to condominium ownership.

For more information on these application types please visit MMAH Land Use Planning.

Area Municipal Applications

For Area Municipality Application Forms, use the map below to select the respective Municipality

Change a property's use (Rezoning)
If you want to use or develop a property in a way that is not currently permitted by the Zoning By-Law, a zoning by-law amendment, also known as a zone change or rezoning, is required.
Requesting a Minor Variance
This application is required when applying for specific relief from one or more of the Zoning By-Law provisions e.g. yard setbacks, parking etc. on a property.
Site Plan Control / Approval
This application is required for permission to conduct site work or construct/expand buildings or structures on a property. (Some exceptions for residential and agricultural uses and minor expansions may apply.)

Oxford County Official Plan

The Official Plan document includes a vision, goals, and policy direction to guide and manage the use of land. For more information visit the Official Plan page.

Zoning By-laws

The zoning-bylaw is the primary document controlling the use of land in your community.

MMAH General Information

For information on land use planning in Ontario, including the development of Official Plans and Zoning By-laws, visit the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Citizens’ Guide to Land-use Planning.

Available Resources by Municipality

View/Download the following development documents and forms for Oxford County by clicking on the section titles.

Plans, By-laws & Guidelines

Various County plans, by-laws and procedures/guidelines relevant to land use are listed here.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act.

Application Notices and Reports

All active development applications in the area municipalities are listed here, along with their associated notices and reports.

Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws

View/Download the following development documents and forms for Oxford County by clicking on the section titles.

Zoning By-laws & Schedules

Various County plans, by-laws and procedures/guidelines relevant to land use are listed here.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act.

Application Notices and Reports

All active development applications in the area municipalities are listed here, along with their associated notices and reports.

Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws

View/Download the following development documents and forms for Oxford County by clicking on the section titles.

Zoning By-laws & Schedules

Various County plans, by-laws and procedures/guidelines relevant to land use are listed here.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act.

Application Notices and Reports

All active development applications in the area municipalities are listed here, along with their associated notices and reports.

Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws

View/Download the following development documents and forms for Oxford County by clicking on the section titles.

Zoning By-laws & Schedules

Various County plans, by-laws and procedures/guidelines relevant to land use are listed here.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act.

Application Notices and Reports

All active development applications in the area municipalities are listed here, along with their associated notices and reports.

Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws

View/Download the following development documents and forms for Oxford County by clicking on the section titles.

Zoning By-laws & Schedules

Various County plans, by-laws and procedures/guidelines relevant to land use are listed here.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act.

Application Notices and Reports

All active development applications in the area municipalities are listed here, along with their associated notices and reports.

Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-law

Zoning By-laws & Schedules

Various County plans, by-laws and procedures/guidelines relevant to land use are listed here.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act.

Application Notices and Reports

All active development applications in the area municipalities are listed here, along with their associated notices and reports.

Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws

View/Download the following development documents and forms for Oxford County by clicking on the section titles.

Zoning By-laws & Schedules

Various County plans, by-laws and procedures/guidelines relevant to land use are listed here.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act.

Application Notices and Reports

All active development applications in the area municipalities are listed here, along with their associated notices and reports.

Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws

View/Download the following development documents and forms for Oxford County by clicking on the section titles.

Zoning By-laws & Schedules

Various County plans, by-laws and procedures/guidelines relevant to land use are listed here.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act.

Application Notices and Reports

All active development applications in the area municipalities are listed here, along with their associated notices and reports.

Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws

Zoning By-laws & Schedules

Various County plans, by-laws and procedures/guidelines relevant to land use are listed here.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act.

Application Notices and Reports

All active development applications in the area municipalities are listed here, along with their associated notices and reports.

Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws