3. Checklist for Graduating Students

The term in which you have officially and successfully completed all of your graduation requirements. You must apply for the term (fall, spring, or summer) in which you plan to graduate through your Student Center in MyCSUSM. If you do not apply for the correct graduation term, you may run the risk of not receiving an enrollment date to register for classes,. Once final grades are posted, your record will be evaluated and your diploma will be sent to you via mail to your address on file (see Registrar’s website for processing timelines). Students should also review their Academic Requirements Report (ARR) via their Student Center in MyCSUSM to verify completion of all requirements. Please note that your ARR will show your status as "Applied for Graduation" until your degree has been conferred. For more information and FAQs, please go to this site.

Graduation and diplomas are processed by the Office of the Registrar.

Students eligible to participate in the spring 2023 commencement ceremony are:

Below is a brief checklist for graduating students:

*Important: if you are leaving or graduating from the university, you will lose access to your Microsoft 365 programs and data. Transfer your data before it gets deleted! If you wish to retain your data before leaving the university, please be sure to back up your data onto a personal cloud storage prior to leaving as to not lose any data. If you need assistance, visit our Help Desk.