Broker-Dealer Registration

The FINRA broker-dealer (BD) registration process covers a firm's full life cycle, from meeting initial membership standards to updating and renewing its registration. This page offers guidance to broker-dealer firms seeking to become FINRA members, including details on the various filing and qualification requirements and what member firms need to do to expand their business or withdraw their registration.

Register a New Broker-Dealer Firm

This section outlines the standards and procedural guidelines for the membership application and registration process for BD firms.

Manage a Branch Office Registration

This section outlines what BDs must do to register branch offices with FINRA, other SROs and jurisdictions.

Terminate a Broker-Dealer Firm Registration

This section explains how BDs may file full or partial withdrawals of registration from FINRA, other SROs, the SEC and jurisdictions.

Update a Broker-Dealer Firm Registration

This section provides details on the process for updating a BD registration, including:

Renew a BD Firm Registration

This section outlines the process for the annual renewal of a firm’s registration with FINRA, other SROs and jurisdictions.