The Planning Department provides staff support for the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals. If you’d like more information, please visit the Planning Department webpage.
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The Board typically meets monthly on a Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. or as required.
The responsibilities of the Planning Board are varied and governed by the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and include reviewing submitted plans for the development of land for residential, commercial, and other uses. In addition, the Planning Board is responsible for guiding the process of zoning amendments and updating the Master Plan.
Applications: The Board is responsible for taking action on various applications as outlined in Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A (Zoning Act), Chapter 81K (Subdivsion Control Act), the Webster Zoning By-Law (Chapter 650) and the Town of Webster Subdivsion Rules and Regulations. Such permits include:
Each application has a specific time frame and requirements for submission. Not sure what type of application you need or want to learn more? Please visit the Planning Board Applications webpage.